Seven settlers were injured

Seven Israeli settlers were injured Sunday evening  near the settlement of Ofra, east of Ramallah,  as anonymous gunmen in a car opened fire at them.

Seven settlers were injured, including a 30-year-old settler who was severely wounded. Israeli media said she was a pregnant woman later.

The sources said that the Israeli army commander in the West Bank, General Eran Neve visited the site of the operation and heard the security assessments of the details of the shooting.

The Israeli army was raiding and searching the area surrounding the settlement in search of the shooters, who immediately withdrew from the place.

Following the shooting, a large number of Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed the village of Silwad, which is closest to the site of the incident, and erected checkpoints in many of the main roads and streets in the area. IOF also searched several shops in search of security cameras for these shops in the village of Silwad east of Ramallah and the Israeli occupation forces closed the Beit El military checkpoint immediately after the operation.