Members of Istiqlal Party

The Istiqlal Party (IP) has counterattacked Moroccan TV 2M, accusing it of targeting and attacking the party during its daily bulletins of Friday February 10.

In an editorial published Wednesday, the IP mouthpiece Al Alam accused 2M’s officials of a lack of neutrality and of inviting biased analysts to lash out at the IP.

Labeling 2M as a “Drainage Channel,” the newspaper said, “It was not strange that the channel mobilized its analysts and allocated ‘lavish money to be at its beck and call’,” and accused the channel of devoting its entire bulletin to discussing the party.

In its French bulletin, Al Alam claimed that during 2M’s French bulletin, the channel gave the floor to an analyst belonging to the era of late Driss Basri, Morocco’s former interior Minister [from 1979 to 1999], in order to lash out at the party.

The channel dedicated “more than 30 minutes” to the IP, “ignoring the High Planning Commission’s (HCP) shocking figures that pertain to the status of employment in Morocco,” Al Alam said.

Al Alam went on to add that the channel’s bulletins demonstrated the public channels’ agenda of targeting political parties, unions and civic society.

“It was not strange or exciting that drainage channels are always in the middle of wars that target the credibility of national political action,” Al Alam said.

Source :Morocco World News