Democratic Gathering" head, MP Walid Jumblatt, deemed Syria Lebanon's friend provided a new regime is

Democratic Gathering" head, MP Walid Jumblatt, deemed Syria Lebanon's friend provided a new regime is established that would grant the Syrian people freedom and dignity.

MP Jumblatt's fresh stance on Monday came during a ceremony held at the Mukhtara Palace in honor of retired officers of the Lebanese army and the armed Lebanese forces.

"The enemy is Israel and the friend is Syria," MP Jumblatt said, hoping that a new regime or horizon would arise in Syria that would grant the Syrian people freedom and dignity.

Jumblatt said that all this depends on developments and circumstances in light of the ongoing nations' conflict on the Syrian territories.

The ceremony took place in the presence of deputies Akram Shehayeb, Ghazi Aridi, Alaa Terro and Wael Abu Faour, in addition to scores of local and party dignitaries

Source: NNA