King of Jordan, Arab League Chief discuss Middle East issues

 King Abdullah II of Jordan met on Wednesday with the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, for a discussion on a wide range of Middle East and pan-Arab issues.

The Jordan News Agency, Petra, quoted King Abdullah as saying that Jordan is keen to support every effort aimed at strengthening pan-Arab cooperation and action and serve Arab issues, especially in the current difficult phase, which, he said, requires more effort to preserve the interests of the nation.

The meeting touched upon peacemaking efforts and ways to re-launch serious and effective negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis based on the two-state solution, the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and relevant international legitimacy resolutions.

King Abdullah emphasised the importance of coordinating positions to serve common Arab issues and interests, especially with regard to efforts aimed at achieving comprehensive and lasting peace in the region, underlining the important role of the Arab League in this regard.

The meeting also dealt with regional and international counterterror efforts within a comprehensive strategy.