Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes, supports US President’s firm strategy on Iran

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has welcomed and expressed its support for the resolute strategy announced by Donald Trump, President of the United States, US, towards Iran and its aggressive approach while praising his vision in this and commitment to work with the allies of the US in the region, to face their common challenges, particularly Iran's aggressive policies and actions.

According to the Saudi Press Agency, Saudi Arabia has previously supported the nuclear agreement between Iran and the "5 + 1" powers, in the belief that it is necessary to limit the regional and international proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, its statement stressed, adding that it had hoped that the agreement would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, to achieve security and peace in the region.

However, Iran had exploited the economic benefits of the lifting of the sanctions and used them to continue destabilising the region, especially through its ballistic missile development programme and its support for terrorism, including Hezbollah and the Houthi militias in Yemen, the statement pointed out.

Iran has not only flagrantly violated the resolution, but it also transferred the benefits and its experience to its client militias, including the Houthi militias, which used the missiles to target Saudi Arabia, hence exposing the falsity of its claims that the development of these capabilities is only for defensive purposes, the statement emphasised.

The statement indicated that Iran is continuing with its aggressive approach, through its Revolutionary Guard and the Houthi militias while repeatedly targeting international navigation passageways in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, as well as its cyber-attacks against Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region.

The kingdom has therefore reaffirmed its full commitment to work with partners in the US and the international community, to achieve the objectives declared by President Trump and address the threats posed by Iran's policies to international peace and security, under a wider framework beyond its nuclear programme, which includes its other aggressive activities, in order to cut off all its avenues to acquire weapons of mass destruction, the statement said in conclusion.