His Highness the Amir said a closer look at the surrounding circumstances, both regionally and internationally,

His Highness the Amir said a closer look at the surrounding circumstances, both regionally and internationally, "clearly assures the importance of our meeting today, and the need to consultation, and exchange of views, concerning such circumstances, and their consequences upon our area, in a manner that fosters our solidarity, and enhances the steadfastness of our unity. Our meeting reflects our sublimity, and our cooperation reflects our power." His Highness the Amir regretted the failure of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to address the Syrian conflict, which killed more than 100,000 people and displaced millions others. He welcomed the president of the Syrian coalition of revolutionary and opposition forces Ahmad Al-Jarba.

"The humanitarian catastrophe in Syria is still running, and this calls upon us to double our efforts, and our work with the international community, particularly the Security Council, which is, unfortunately, incapable of shouldering its historical responsibility in putting a limit to this humanitarian catastrophe," he said.

"We in the State of Kuwait feel the agony of our brothers, and strive to heal their wounds, and provide livelihood for them," added His Highness the Amir. "We responded to the call of the UN Secretary General to hold the Second Conference for Supporting the Humanitarian Situation in Syria, which is scheduled to be held in the State of Kuwait in mid-January 2014. From this platform, I call upon you to actively participate, as you always did, in aiding our brothers," said the leader of Kuwait.

Kuwait hosted the first donor conference for the Syrian people last January and the meeting succeeded in pledging more than the USD 1.5 billion target set by the UN. Kuwait donated USD 300 million. His Highness the Amir, meanwhile, welcomed the preliminary Geneva agreement over the Iranian nuclear program, and hoped it would lead to a permanent agreement that would defuse tension in the region.

Turning to the Middle East peace process, His Highness Sheikh Sabah praised the US efforts to relaunch the Middle East peace process with the Palestinians. But peace would not be accomplished but through the Israeli full compliance with the international resolutions and the Arab peace initiative to establish the viable and independent Palestinian State, he added.

His Highness the Amir said he received a message from Yemeni President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi to thank the GCC leaders for their support, and explained difficulties facing the rebuilding of his country. He said Hadi asked the GCC countries to continue their political and economic support to address the challenges.

"We are certain you will continue your support for Yemen to achieve security and stability," said His Highness the Amir.
His Highness Sheikh Sabah, on the other hand, congratulated the UAE people after Dubai was named as host of the EXPO 2020, a matter that reflected the reputation and leading expertise of Dubai

Source: KUNA