Letting women drive in Saudi Arabia ‘does not conflict

The landmark decree allowing Saudi women to drive has received the seal of approval from the Council of Senior Scholars, the Kingdom’s highest religious body that advises King Salman on religious matters.
“King Salman, granted by God the responsibility of protecting his people and the nation’s interests, and preserving Islamic values and national interests, does not waver in achieving the national interest in accordance with Shariah,” the council’s secretariat said.
“The senior scholars decided to adopt and approve the royal decree. King Salman only does what is best for his nation.
“The scholars’ advisory opinions focused on the virtues and vices, and not the act of driving itself, which is an absolute right which no one should be deprived of. King Salman should study the matter and look at it from all angles.
“King Salman studied the negative side of not letting women drive and thus, with the Council of Senior Scholars’ approval, issued the royal decree, as he did not find any reason not to. King Salman issued the royal decree preserving all women’s rights, in order to protect the national interest.”