President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir

President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir expressed appreciation over efforts made by the AU High-level Implementation Panel(AUHIP), which is chaired by Thabo Mbeki, to narrow differences between the Government and the opposition to reach agreement that achieves durable peace and stability in the country.
President Al-Bashir and Thabo Mbeki discussed, Friday evening at the Guest House implementation of the Roadmap Agreement signed between the Government and the armed movements.
Mbeki said in press statements said the meeting discussed the current political situation , especially outcome of the national dialogue , indicating that the President Al-Bashir informed him on progress of formation of government of national accord and ways of participation of political forces in legislative and local councils at the state and federal levels.
He said that informed the President on his desire to urge all parties which did not participate in the national dialogue to take part in building the country.
Assistant of President of the Republic, Ibrahim Mahmoud said that President Al-Bashir and Mbeki agreed during the meeting that he national dialogue was still open for all to establish powerful state and permanent constitution, explaining that Mbeki came carrying initial approval from armed movements for joining dialogue process.

Source : SUNA