Moroccans living in Spain

216,040 Moroccans were affiliated to social security in Spain at the end of February, up slightly from January (215,366), according to data published yesterday by the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

Moroccans are the largest community of non-EU foreign workers contributing to social security in Spain, followed by Chinese workers with 95,408 people and Ecuadorians with 65,999 people, the ministry said in a statement.

The Spanish ministry added that the number of foreign workers registered for social security totalled to 1,702,248 people in February, an increase of 0.87 percent compared to the January, and an annual increase 5.55 percent compared to February 2016.

The number of Moroccans residing in Spain legally as of December 2015 reached a total of 766,622 people, a decline of 0.5 percent compared to 2014.

According to the Permanent Observatory of Migration under the Ministry of Labor and Guarantee, these figures show that Moroccans are the largest non-European community living in Europe.

Source :Morocco World News