The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, has denounced in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on Egyptian police forces in oases area in the Arab Republic of Egypt which claimed the lives of many police agents and injured many others.

The OIC Secretary General, Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen, expressed the OIC’s full solidarity with the Government and people of Egypt in their fight to eliminate terrorism, reaffirming confidence that these criminal acts will only bolster the determination of the Government and people of Egypt to fight and eliminate terrorism and to bring about security and stability.

Al-Othaimeen renewed the OIC’s firm position on countering all forms and manifestations of terrorism, whatever its sources and emphasised the OIC’s full commitment to continue to work in consultation with OIC member states, affiliated institutions and subsidiary organs to counter terrorism effectively in line with the OIC Convention on International Terrorism and OIC resolutions.

He expressed his condolences to the Egyptian Government and the families of the victims, wishing quick recovery to the wounded.