Patriarch Ibrahim Isaac

Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt Ibrahim Isaac on Saturday said he is praying for President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, all officials of the country, and all those who spare no effort to preserve the dignity of Egyptians.

Speaking during the Christmas Mass at the Coptic Catholic Cathedral in Nasr City, the patriarch added that he is also praying for Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Diocese, the followers of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the victims of the terror attack on the Boutroseya (St Peter and St Paul) Church, their families, and those who were injured in the bombing.

He called on all Egyptians to do their best to help the country overcome the current challenges and difficulties for achieving a better future.

President Sisi delegated First Secretary of the Presidency Mohamed Negm to attend the mass that was held without any festivities and was limited to prayers to mourn the victims of the terror attack.

Source: MENA