His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa stressed that the ongoing

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa stressed that the ongoing achievements of Bahrainis which have boosted the kingdom's reputation at regional and international gatherings prove that Bahrain is rich in promising competencies capable of continuing progress in all fields.
HRH the Prime Minister underlined Bahrain's support to Holy Quran memorisation and recitation centres. 
He was speaking as he received at Gudaibiya Palace today Mehanna Ahmed Al-Sisi Al Buainin who clinched first place in full memorisation of the Holy Quran and Mohammed Samir Mujahed who won second place in recitation. The two competitors made the accomplishments in Kuwait International Holy Quran Competition which concluded recently in Kuwait.
HRH the Premier lauded the honourable achievement brought about by the two contestants which reflects the great care given by Bahrain to the Holy Quran. He praised the outstanding level of the two competitors which qualified them to grab the award, wishing them continuous success. He expressed hope the accomplishment would serve as an incentive to youngsters to dedicate efforts to the memorisation and recitation of the Holy Quran. He also underscored the need to hold on to the Islamic good values and ethics which are highlighted in the Holy Quran and the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
The two winners thanked HRH the Premier for his support and care for the Holy Quran which enabled Bahrain to clinch highly prestigious awards, stressing that their accomplishment highlight the kingdom's efforts in caring for the Holy Quran at the regional and international level. 

Source: BNA