President Al-Bashir: Selection of Lt. Gen Bakri for Prime Minister Office came at full consensus among political forces

President of the Republic and chairman of the higher committee for implementation of the national dialogue outcome, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, affirmed that selection of Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih as the Prime Minister came through full consensus and satisfaction of all the political forces participating in the committee.

The President of the Republic at a press conference that the committee held at the Republican Palace Thursday said that the Prime Minister is tasked with the file of reform of the state institutions that gave him pportunity to get acquainted with all the state details, a matter which made the selection appropriate and right.
President Al-Bashir did not give specific time for formation of the new government, explaining that consultations are underway for guaranteeing consensus over all positions at all levels.
He disclosed that the criteria of participation of political parties and movements that have participated in the dialogue in the government of national accord were unanimously approved by members of the higher committee.
He said that the position of the Vice - President would remain according to Doha Agreement for Peace in Darfur which was enshrined in the constitution.
He pointed to importance of reform in some corporations and commissions to to cope their activities and work with the duties of the government of national accord.
President Al-Bashir affirmed that dialogue, which stems from norms and values of the people of Sudan, would be in the coming period a key solution for allSudan issues.

Source : SUNA