President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Aoun

President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Aoun stressed Monday that there will be no parliamentary void in the country. 
Aoun was speaking during a cabinet session and said that the Council of Ministers would start on Monday the debates on the electoral law, hoping that the meetings would be productive and achieve the required result. 
For his part, Lebanon's Saad Al Hariri said that the ongoing talks between certain political forces must be pursued with all the others, in order to reach an electoral law. A law that required, in his opinion, sacrifices on everyone's part. He said that passing the law will require sacrifices from all parties involved. 
Lebanese politicians are currently trying to agree a new parliamentary electoral law to hold new elections. The term of the current parliament ends in late June of this year. Current talks focus on agreeing a mixed system of both proportional representation and plurality. This is similar to the current electoral law. However there are voices that seeks a law based solely on proportional representation, which will allow for more participation from different minorities and sects. The latter opinion is backed by president Aoun. 

Source: QNA