Assistant of the President of the Republic, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid.

Assistant of the President of the Republic, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, received in his office at the Republican Palace Tuesday the Chairman of the Sudanese National Youth Union, Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed, and affirmed importance of the youth role in boosting the patriotic values and achieving progress via the mobilization of their energies at all domains.
In a press statement, Mohamed said that he has informed the Assistant of the President on the union's performance, plans and programs and the challenges for the coming period.
He indicated that the meeting has tackled the role of the youths in strengthening the national unity and accord.
He said that the meeting has also reviewed the issues of youths, ways to solve the phenomenon of idleness and funding for the youths' projects.
He said that the Assistant of the President has given a directive for mapping out programs and new visions coping with the trends in the coming stage, with concentration on the small and medium-scale projects and directing the youth energies for increasing the production.

Source: SUNA