Protesters close down Palestinian company importing Israeli products

As part of the BDS movement, Palestinian protesters on Monday morning have blocked the gates of a Palestinian company that imports Israeli products in Bethlehem.
The protest, organized by several bodies, associations and activists, was launched from Deheisheh refugee camp, and headed towards the company, chanting patriotic slogans and demanding businessmen to stop import of Israeli products. The protesters also sabotaged some of the Israeli products at the company.
Activist from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), Youssef Sharqawi,  said in a speech that BDS will continue and expand even during the month of Ramadan, since the market is generally more lively during the holy month.
The protest then headed towards towards the DCO checkpoint raising Palestinian flags, and chanted anti-occupation slogans, while soldiers responded with teargas and sound grenades.
The campaign also demanded that the PA and its ministries stop giving permissions and import licenses to Palestinians dealing with Israeli companies, ignoring economic aspects that benefit the occupation and its military.
Secretary general of the National Palestinian Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi said that this campaign, being the fifth campaign to boycott Israeli products, will be different since it includes all associations supporting BDS. Also, the campaign will pressure companies that import Israeli products which contribute to Israeli economy and military aids.
To his part, coordinator of the PSCC, Munther Amira said that there will be more steps to escalate the movement including pressures on the PA to prevent import of Israeli products into the West Bank.

Source: PNN