Qatar accountable for harmful practices against Arab national security.

The first forum staged by Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (DERASAT) today concluded under the theme (Qatar, the Godfather of Chaos and Crises in the Middle East) with the participation of an elite group of thinkers, intellectuals, academics and media figures.


A number of work papers and speeches were given on the Qatari threats to the Kingdom of Bahrain; Qatar's involvement in destabilizing the national institutions in Arab countries; Gulf security and future scenarios of Qatar’s hostile policy.

The forum discussed the Qatari regime’s aggressive policy at the local, Gulf and Arab levels, as well as ways to counter the same.

The speakers highlighted the following:

The Qatari regime is accountable for hostile acts that are in violation of Arab national security, which led to severe crises in 1995.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has suffered from the Qatari interference at various levels, as Bahrain has lost a vital part of its documented sovereign land. Qatar launched a military attack in Fishit Al-Dibil in 1986. It has forged dozens of historical documents as proven by the international Justice Court. It also conducted systematic looting of Bahrain’s land and wealth.

Qatar also exploited the naturalization file to implement a subversive agenda by intentionally harming Bahrain’s demographic structure, social fabric, national security and supreme interests, which is contrary to Riyadh Agreement 2014.

Qatar has a proven record of supporting, in many ways, Bahraini terrorists and outlaws, which was revealed to the public through the documented phone calls and the remittances to terrorist groups aimed at overthrowing the legitimate system in Bahrain.

Qatar has exploited the dissolved political societies to attempt to hurdle Bahrain’s democratic march to avoid following the steps of Bahrain in this regard.

Qatar also directed its national media and that funded by it to confront Bahrain by defaming its international reputation.

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt gave Qatar many opportunities to reconsider its subversive policies in the Arabian Gulf region, but all that was in vain. Doha was adamant on supporting terrorists who found in Qatar a safe haven.

It became also an agent of the Iranian expansionist agenda which aims at usurping Arab resources through aiding and abetting terrorist militias and cells and the use of media propaganda to incite on violence, fuel strife, spread lies and foment hatred

The current crisis with Qatari is not a mere Gulf dispute as it includes other Arab and Islamic countries, which denounced Doha blatant interference, flagrant support to terrorism and extremism and subversive policies that spark chaos.

The speakers highlighted tragedies and horrific ordeals inflicted upon people and countries as a results of the Qatari subversive interference in the internal affairs of the Arab states, in breach of the international law.

The Qatari regime failed to honour conventions and commitments, including the Riyadh agreement (2013), the supplementary agreement and its executive mechanism (2014) within the GCC framework.

The participants urged Qatar to stop targeting pan-Arab security, threatening international peace, aiding and abetting terrorism, serving as a stooge to the Iranian expansionist agenda and using the media to incite on violence and fuel hatred and chaos.

The final statement, they called on the Government of Qatar to put an end to its hostile acts against Bahrain, stop hostile media propaganda and naturalization and compensate for the loss of innocent lives and damaged infrastructure.

The statement urged the international community to take a serious stance and confront the dangerous Qatar-role to subvert security and stability, which fuels the scourge of terrorism all over the world.

It stressed the necessity for Qatar to commit unequivocally to the six principles emanating from the 13 demands, and comply with the 2014 Riyadh Agreement, as condition sine qua non for any viable dialogue conducive to specific measures and permanent solutions.

The participants hailed the initiative of DERASAT as an independent and pioneering think tank, lauding its keenness on protecting the GCC and Arab security from the Qatari subversive policies.

They paid tribute to the leadership, Government and people of Bahrain for the strenuous efforts and good organization of the forum, commending the role of DERASAT in mustering all efforts to combat terrorism, bolster stability and achieve sustainable development.


Source: BNA