Qatar Announces

Qatar's Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani has expressed Qatar's strong condemnation of the flagrant violation of international law and the UN Security Council resolution 2118, as the Syrian regime used yesterday the chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun, which killed dozens of civilians including children, considering it as "a new war crime that requires the intervention of the international community to assume its responsibilities". He stressed that there is no solution in Syria without the departure of Bashar al-Assad.
This came during a speech delivered by HE the Foreign Minister at the International Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region in Brussels today, in which he said that "these terrible and disturbing facts place us as an international community in the face of a historic responsibility that obligates us to work with determination to end this humanitarian catastrophe that is threatening international peace and security." HE the Minister announced Qatar's contribution of $ 100 million to support the humanitarian situation of the brotherly Syrian people.
HE the Foreign Minister called for Assad's departure and urgent action towards fair criminal procedures in accordance with international law. He added that silence on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Syria sends encouraging messages to perpetrators to continue to commit more crimes.
He noted that the absence of accountability for the perpetrators of these crimes strengthened the increase and continuation of the horrific atrocities and exacerbate the tragedy of the brotherly Syrian people.The Foreign Minister stressed the need to achieve justice, redress the victims, activate General Assembly resolution 71/248 and establish an independent and impartial international mechanism to assist in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for crimes committed in Syria since 2011. He pointed out that this mechanism should be urgently activated to move towards fair criminal proceedings of international law. 
In support of international efforts to enforce justice, the State of Qatar has provided financial support to the independent international mechanism of US $ 500,000 and is pleased to announce an additional pledge of $ 500,000 from the State of Qatar, HE the Foreign Minister added..HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani stressed that the State of Qatar has spared no effort in providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people either individually or through bilateral channels with host countries or through the United Nations. 
As part of the humanitarian assistance to the Syrian refugees, HE the Foreign Minister referred to education as a basic pillar, describing it as the key to development and stability. He pointed out that Qatar had an initiative in education and professional development in partnership with many humanitarian and regional organizations.In this context, he highlighted the Qatari initiative to educate and train Syrian refugees last September on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations in favor of 400,000 beneficiaries of the Syrian people for five years within the framework of the fulfillment of the State of Qatar to pledge $ 100 million, at the London conference last year. 
HE the Foreign Minister said that 985, 000 Syrian children had benefited from the "Educate a Child " initiative, pointing out that these initiatives have contributed to the empowerment of children and protect them from extremism, exploitation and abuse. He stressed that when turmoil prevails and opportunities are lost, extremism pervades and insecurity is lost. HE the Minister said that the total humanitarian assistance provided by the State of Qatar were meant to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people, amounting to about (1.6) billion dollars. 
The State of Qatar hosts more than 60,000 brethren Syrians and 7,000 people have been reunited with their families living in Qatar," HE Sheikh Mohammed said. He stressed the need to prepare for the post-political agreement and stop the violence for reconstruction. The State of Qatar is co-chairing the international conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, which was devoted to follow-up the results of the "London Conference to support the Syrian people" with Germany and Britain. 
The conference is discussing three basic frameworks including supporting the political process, supporting negotiations between the Syrian regime and the opposition, and stabilizing the civilian population inside Syria or in the countries of asylum.

Source: QNA