Qatar Reiterates Condemnation of Syrian Regime's Systematic Criminal Conduct

The State of Qatar has reiterated condemnation of the systematic criminal conduct of the Syrian regime which violates all charters and human rights instruments. Qatar also condemned all forms of forced disappearances and arbitrary detention regardless to who guilty of them.
This came in the speech, delivered by Qatar's Permanent Representative to UN Office and International Organizations in Geneva, HE Ambassador Ali Khalfan Al Mansouri, during the High-Level Panel Discussion on the Situation of Human Rights in Syria, held within the 34th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council.
He said that there is a clear reality which has been documented in a number of reports, that the Syrian is responsible for most of the crimes of arbitrary detention and forced disappearance. These crimes have been used to spread terror in hearts of Syrian and to shatter the desire of freedom in them.
There is no need to document the crimes committed by the Syrian regime, HE Ambassador Al Mansouri stressed explaining that reports and documents are before the international community who became aware of the locations of these prisons and detention centres as well as the names of those responsible for these crimes. The only thing needed is for the international community to move and hold them responsible for what they have committed, he added.
"Otherwise, they will continue to commit their crimes, otherwise no one will stop what is a shame to humanity," he said.HE Ambassador Ali Khalfan Al Mansouri concluded his speech asking about the urgent measures to be taken in order to tackle the problem of forced disappearance and arbitrary detention in Syria, when the Security Council failed to refer the Syrian Case to the international Criminal Court, and has not been able either to clearly pinpoint the responsibility of those guilty of committing crimes against Humanity.

Source : QNA