Qatar has called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility in protecting civilians and civil

Qatar has called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility in protecting civilians and civil institutions from the massacres and barbaric bombing committed by the Syrian regime and its militia against the Syrian people.
Foreign Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani urged the international community to move fast to stop massacres and grave violations, to insure safe paths, and to guarantee the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Aleppo and other Syrian cities on the background of the deteriorating human conditions and the brutal violations which occurred over the past few days, according to Qatar News Agency (QNA).

The tremendous humanitarian disaster experienced by Syrians in Aleppo reflects the Security Council's failure in putting an end to the crisis and protecting civilians, he said.

With the Security Council failure for the sixth time - and despite several resolutions which have not been enforced - searching for other ways to protect civilians has become an urgent matter, he added.

Shaikh Mohammed said that the efforts of the State of Qatar come within the context of urging the international community and the UN officials to adopt effective measures for ending these human tragedies and provide all possible assistance to protect civilians from killing and destruction machine. He reiterated the State of Qatar's support for the Syrian people.

The minister pointed that the Syrian regime has violated all norms, values and international humanitarian laws, stressing the need for international justice to take a real, serious and responsible step to hold the Syrian regime accountable, QNA reported.

Source: BNA