The mortal remains of Azzeddine Soufiane

The mortal remains of Azzeddine Soufiane, a Moroccan national, who died in the terrorist attack perpetrated last week at Quebec City Islamic Cultural Centre, were sent back on Saturday, according to the Kingdom’s consulate in Montreal.

King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolence and compassion to the family of Azzeddine Soufiane, and messages to the Moroccans injured in this despicable attack.

In the message sent to the family of Azzedine Soufiane, HM the King offered his heartfelt condolences and sincere compassion, imploring the Almighty to have the victim in his mercy and grant his family patience and solace.

The Sovereign also sent messages to the three Moroccan nationals wounded in this odious criminal act, Said El Omari, Said Anjour and Mohamed Khobar, in which the King wishes them swift recovery.

Source :Morocco World News