Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Boutros al-Rahi, said that Lebanon is in dire need of real "men of state" to

Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Boutros al-Rahi, said that Lebanon is in dire need of real "men of state" to serve the country with loyalty.

"Lebanon needs real statesmen that serve Lebanon with devotion and dedication," Patriarch Rahi said during Sunday Mass at Saint Daniel Church in Hadath el-Jebbeh, in presence of Foreign Affairs Minister Gebran Bassil.

Rahi deemed that Lebanon would not rise from its political, economic and social crises unless if real politicians ruled the country, putting aside their narrow interests for the country's sake.

"It is then that public funds will be preserved and citizens will obtain their basic rights to a decent life," Rahi concluded

Source: NNA