The newly-appointed deputy chief commander of Yemeni armed forces, Lt-General Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar, on Saturday

The newly-appointed deputy chief commander of Yemeni armed forces, Lt-General Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar, on Saturday demanded the rebels show good intentions and implement international resolutions to establish real peace in the country.

Speaking at meeting with UN Yemen envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, Al Ahmar said real peace should be based on good intentions, commitment to implementing UN resolutions, releasing detainees, stopping random arrests of political activists and media persons who reject the imamate sectarian agenda pushed by the Houthi rebels and militants loyal to now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The official Yemen News Agency noted that Al Ahmar stressed that the United Nations should act and put pressure on the rebels to end their siege of Yemeni cities and towns, allow humanitarian aid into these besieged areas, stop targeting civilians and implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

Earlier today, at a meeting with the UN envoy to Yemen, President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi today reiterated his call on the rebels to show good intentions and work on confidence-building measures agreed upon by the rebels and representatives of his legitimate government in the second round of peace talks in mid-December 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The UN Yemen envoy reiterated that the UN takes great interest in establishing peace and stability in Yemen and removing hurdles to the implementation of legitimate international resolutions to resume peace talks.
Source: BNA