Justice Minister Mohamed Hossam Abdel Rehim

Justice Minister Mohamed Hossam Abdel Rehim stressed on Monday that renewing the religious discourse is the responsibility of Al Azhar, saying the religious institution together with Darul Iftaa play an important role in spreading the moderate religious discourse and defending Islamic identity.

Speaking at the opening session of the “Scholarly Preparation, Fatwa Issuance Training for Imams in Muslim Minority Communities” conference, the minister warned of the emergency of extremist currents adopting a hostile doctrine that triggers tension and instability all over the world.

He underlined the importance of this conference that stands up against bizarre fatwas that are totally away from teachings of Islam which advocates tolerance and coexistence.

The two-day conference, that comes under the sponsorship of Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar Ahmed el Tayyeb, will discuss a number of vital issues related to Muslim minorities in western countries and how to prepare Imams to handle extremism and encounter the challenges facing Muslim communities.

Source: MENA