RIF warn Economy Saboteurs and Smugglers.

Rapid Intervention Forces (RIF) have warned those who try to tamper with the country's economy by pursuing them at borders, crossings and across the country .
The RIV Spokesman, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Jalli said in press conference held, in Khartoum, Tuesday that the RIF will be deployed along the borders and the states, including the Khartoum state, in implementation of the presidential decree on the Firearms Collection Campaign and will work side by side with the armed forces and the rest of the regular forces .
'Whoever wants to sabotage the economy, through smuggling, will be pursued' He warned .

The RIF Official announced that his forces had foiled smuggling attempt of 60 kilos of pure gold in the Adikong area bordering the Adri border region with Chad, pointing to the arrest of a number of traders.

Source: AFP