Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has stressed the need to apply an effective mechanism to verify the implementation, inspection and control of the Iranian nuclear agreement and the re-imposition of sanctions quickly and effectively in the event of Iran's violation of its obligations under the agreement.

The Kingdom expressed serious concern about Iran's continuation of launching ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, while emphasising at the same time the inherent right of all states to the peaceful use of nuclear energy in accordance with International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, standards and procedures under its supervision.

This came during the Kingdom's speech delivered yesterday by the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to the United Nations, Dr. Khalid Al-Manzlawi, before the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly at the 72nd session.

Saudi Press Agency quoted Al-Manzlawi as affirming the Kingdom's determination to cooperate with all to ensure the success of this task entrusted to the chairmanship of the First Committee and its support for the statement of the Arab Group and the Non-Aligned Movement statement.

He added, "Based on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's commitment to the provisions of the UN Charter and the principles of the international legitimacy, it attaches particular importance to strengthening the role of the UN in all areas, particularly with regard to issues of international security and disarmament, emanating from the belief that these issues represent an integrated unity without which the world can not live in peace and stability."

Dr. Al-Manzalawi also said that the strengthening of the climate of international peace and security required the sincere political will and strong determination of all states, in particular the nuclear-weapon States, to eliminate the reliance on such weapons and other weapons of mass destruction as instruments of national security.

He indicated that the Kingdom welcomes, within this framework, the agreement adopted this year on the Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and hopes that it will contribute to the strengthening of international peace and security and the pursuit of the total elimination of all weapons of mass destruction in all states without exception.

He noted that while a number of regions were successful in establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones, the Middle East region constitutes a big problem for international and regional efforts to make it a nuclear-weapon-free zone because of Israel's rejection of any effort in this regard and that it is indeed regrettable that there is an international consensus and an urgent regional desire to make the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone, and Israel stands as an obstacle of achieving the desire of the region's peoples to live in a nuclear-free zone.