Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi called on Monday for making the best use of Egypt's agricultural potentials, developing agricultural techniques and tools and expanding the use of modern irrigation system.

Sisi, during a meeting with Agriculture Minister Essam Fayed, underlined the importance of improving villagers' conditions, upgrading cultivation and irrigation methods and providing high-quality agricultural seeds, Presidential Spokesman Alaa Youssef said.

He called for attaching importance to agricultural manufacturing and setting up factories to turn agricultural products to manufactured ones to make hoped-for profits from the agricultural sector.

The agriculture minister reviewed the 1.5-million-feddan project and steps to start the work of the Egyptian "Reef" Development Company, which will be assigned with carrying out the project.

He said the ministry will provide the company with needed studies, reports, maps, statistics and approvals to be able to carry out the project.

The ministry also decided to hold a periodical meeting of the ministerial committee assigned with following up the implementation of the project that aims at achieving an agricultural boom in Egypt.

The minister reviewed the ministry's plan to increase agricultural exports and open new markets in Europe and Asia.

He noted that agricultural exports come on top of Egyptian exports list with 933,000 tons.

Source: MENA