Southern Governor Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa .

Southern Governor Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa stressed keenness to translate the royal directives into a reality by reaching out to citizens and catering for their needs. He also praised His Royal Highness the Prime Minister’s efforts to promote social cohesion, describing him as an idol to emulate.

The Southern Governor was speaking as he received at his Majlis dignitaries from the Southern Governorate, in the presence of prominent social personalities. He expressed appreciation of continuous communication with citizens to assess their needs, praising the strong social texture characterising citizens in the Southern Governorate. He stressed keenness to carry out the directives of the leadership, asserting that serving citizens is a priority. He described long-term strategic goals as an end which requires more efforts and cooperation from all.

The audience commended the efforts of the Southern Governor to attain set up goals of achieving sustainability and development.


Source: BNA