HE Speaker Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khulaifi

Speakers of Arab parliaments at the end of meeting here on Saturday approved a common vision confronting challenges facing the Arab action and welcomed UN resolution 2334 which condemned Israeli illegal settlements built on occupied Palestinian lands.

    The State of Qatar participated in the conference with a delegation headed by HE Speaker of the Advisory (Shura) Council Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khulaifi.

    The speakers praised the role played by the State of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in a partial lifting of US economic sanctions on Sudan, calling it an important response to the legitimate demand by Sudan.

    The vision, to be referred to the March 29 Arab Summit, said the illegal Israeli settlements were violating the international law and hampered the two-state solution. It urged the UN and Security Council to live up to their responsibilities to stop the Israeli settlement expansion on occupied Palestinian lands

    The parliaments' speakers condemned the Israeli Knesset, or parliament, approval of a bill that legalize the confiscation of private Palestinian lands to build outposts.

    They called for a united Arab plan to support the steadfast of the Palestinian people based on relevant UN resolutions and Arab peace initiative to untilately solve the Palestinian question.

    THEY called for providing an international protection for the Palestinian people, urge the governments worldwide to recognize the Palestinian state and called for an urgent plan to salvage Al-Quds.

    They called on the new US administration to abide by UN resolutions 242, 238 and 2334, which were related to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    The document of the vision commended formation of an Arab committee tasked with addressing inter-Arab conflicts, urging Arab countries to work on solving regional disputes.

    It rejected the Iranian interference in Arab affairs, urging the Islamic Republic to end occupation of the three United Arab Emirates (UAE) islands, stop provocative and hostile actions that fuel sectarian conflicts.

    It highlighted importance of the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's message to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, in which the Kuwaiti leader called for dialogue between the GCC and Islamic Republic.

    They said the US Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) violated international law, and would undermine international relations, global peace and security.

    They called for preparation of a comprehensive national security strategy to counter all challenges, including Israeli and Iranian nuclear threats. They called for rapid adoptation of the Arab media code of ethics to pave way for an objective message boosting Arab national security. 

    On Syria, they said the resolution of the Syrian crisis should be through a political process in line with relevant UN resolutions and Geneva negotiations. They condemned human rights violations in Syria, killing of citizens and destruction of areas

Source: QNA