Committee of the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees

The Media Committee of the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners’ society, hereby present the summary of the eleventh day of the Freedom and Dignity strike, which is conducted by the prisoners’ movement in the Israeli jails.

For the eleventh day, a mass strike prevailed all over the country, in support for the battle of freedom and dignity in the Israeli jails, which was launched on April 17,2017 to achieve their basic rights, from which they are deprive and which they have achieved previously through hunger strikes. Their demands are represented in ending the policy of administrative detention, solitary confinement and the prevention of lawyer and family visits and other legal demands.
-the lawyer of the Commission has visited two striking detainees; Nasr Abu-hmaid and Saed Musallam. The sick detainee, Musallam, has told the lawyer about the attack carried out against them by the repressive forces subordinate for the prisons’ administration. This attack led to five injuries among detainees on the head and the face.

Abu-hmaid said to the lawyer: “the prisons’ administration conducted internal trails for striking detainees, and imposed punitive measures and fines up to 500 NIS for each detainee, in addition to moving them to the solitary confinement for ten days. Moreover, they took away the salt from all striking detainees as a means of pressure to end the strike”.

– He added: “the striking detainees boycott the medical examinations, where many sick detainees are in serious danger especially Nazih Othman who has heart disease, and Ibrahim Abu-mustafa who has kidney and liver diseases. They both were moved by force to the hospitals and clinics of the prison”.
– The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and Adalah institution submit a petition to the Supreme Court of occupation, to allow lawyer visits to the striking detainees. However, the prisons’ administration obstructs the visits and denies them most of the time. Some lawyers were able to visit striking detainees at Ofer prison and Ashkelon prison, but they were prevented from the visits in rest of the prisons.
– A number of detainees join the hunger strike, which raises the international interest of the Freedom and Dignity Strike.
– The activities of Friday 28th April 2017, represented in the Friday prayer in the centers of all provinces in Palestine and then marches begin.
– An invitation from the people of Jabal Al-baba and the families of detainees in the Israeli jails to attend the sit-in strike of resistance at Jabal Al-baba. Gathering will be from tent of the sit-in strike in front of Yasser Arafat Circle at 2:00 pm. Transportation is paid