Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Mohamed Ali El Sheikh

Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Mohamed Ali El Sheikh denied social media reports on cancelling the ration cards for the smart-card holders receiving over a EGP 1,500 salary or pension of at least EGP 1,200.

In a statement released on Sunday, the Ministry said specialized committees are currently assessing the database of the ration card holders in view of the applied standards to cooperate with the Ministry of Planning and Administrative Reform as per the amendment in the commodities subsidy system and categories of people included in it.

It said the aim of such move is to deliver subsidy commodities to the most needy categories and others who actually deserve them.

The minister also urged citizens to head for supply offices as of December 1 till February 28 to remove the persons who do not deserve the ration quotas due to death, dual incomes, travel or any other reasons.

Source: MENA