UAE hails partnership with IAEA

Hamad Ali Al Ka'abi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, has expressed the UAE's appreciation for the Agency's efforts in assisting member states to benefit from the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the development of national nuclear energy.

He also lauded the efforts of Yukiya Amano, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Secretariat General in carrying out its mandate and working towards achieving this goal.

While reading out the UAE's statement at the 61st IAEA General Conference, Al Ka'abi highlighted the great progress achieved by the UAE since the start of the national programme of peaceful nuclear energy, noting that more than 82 percent of the construction of the four reactors at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant has been done, and more than 96 percent of the construction work completed on the first unit.

"UAE appreciates the existing partnership with the IAEA, which has contributed to the progress in the UAE nuclear programme," he said, and added that the UAE is looking forward to host the agency's 21st ministerial energy conference in Abu Dhabi at the end of next October. He pointed to the expected role of the conference to highlight the contributions of nuclear energy to achieve long-term sustainable development objectives and the participation of the high-level ministerial delegations will contribute to the success of the conference.

He highlighted the significant role of the agency in the transfer of technology and knowledge that support the various developmental needs of member states, stressing that the UAE commends this role.

Al Ka'abi emphasised that the UAE has continued its attention in matters relating to nuclear safety and compliance with all its obligations under international conventions on nuclear safety and effective participation in the meetings of the review of the Convention on Nuclear Safety.

The UAE has also presented the third national report at the 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety, CNS, he pointed out.

Al Kaabi said that the UAE attaches great importance to this convention, which is a mechanism for peer review and calls on all countries that have not acceded to the agreement and conduct nuclear activities such as the Islamic Republic of Iran to accede to and implement the terms of convention.

Regarding nuclear security, the Permanent Representative of the UAE to the IAEA stated that the UAE recognises the threat posed by the presence of unsafe nuclear materials or facilities as well as the threats of nuclear terrorism, and believes in the agency's pivotal role in promoting nuclear security through the promotion of international cooperation and the exchange of best practices.

"UAE wishes that the Islamic Republic of Iran would fully implement its commitments in accordance with the joint comprehensive plan of action and refrain from taking any steps contrary to the obligations and spirit of the agreement," he noted.

He reiterated the UAE's insistence on Iran's full compliance and transparent implementation of the joint work plan, which is essential to building confidence and credibility about Iran's nuclear activities.

He also expressed that the UAE looks forward to continue work with the agency and international community to support the peaceful use of nuclear energy.