UAE national to chair International Ship suppliers & Services Association

The Dubai Maritime City Authority, DMCA, celebrated an Emirati achievement across the international maritime industry and extended its congratulations to Saeed Al Malik who has been elected as the new Chairman of the International Ship suppliers & Services Association, ISSA.

Winning by a unanimous number of votes, Al Malik is the first Arab national to hold ISSA's top post. He will replace the incumbent Chairman, Singaporean Abdul Hamid Al Hajji, and will serve for three years from 2018.

Al Malik's victory represents a strong push in the UAE's candidacy for Category B membership to the International Maritime Organisation, IMO, Executive Council.

Al Malik, who also currently serves as the Head of the UAE National Ship Suppliers Association, UNSSA, was elected for the position during the association's 62nd annual convention, which was held in Athens, Greece. The ISSA convention was attended by members from all parts of the globe, widely composed of decision-makers, pioneers and maritime professionals. The two-day event was also attended by top Greek government officials and diplomats.

Amer Ali, Executive Director of DMCA, expressed his pride in the UAE's new achievement, which confirms the high international confidence placed in the local maritime cluster. He stressed that the selection of Saeed Al Malik as the new Chairman of ISSA represents a strong boost to the unified efforts to position the UAE among the world's leading maritime capitals.

"The election of Saeed Al Malik as the Chairman of ISSA is a worthy achievement. He is leading the efforts of the UAE National Ship Suppliers Association to enhance the competitiveness of UAE companies involved in the supply of vessels at the regional and international levels, based on solid pillars of quality, efficiency and excellence. There is no doubt that choosing Al Malik as the first Arab to head the international organisation is a source of pride for all of us. We are confident that he will surely bring in remarkable development to the ship supplying segment during his three-year term," Ali said.

Meanwhile, Al Malik stated, "I am the first Arab to assume this position and I am truly honoured to be a representative of the UAE and Arab countries. I am looking forward to heading ISSA's initiatives and programmes that are aimed towards protecting the interests of IMO’s members, offering e-commerce services to its 1,800 members and providing them with the necessary legal and financial protection services.

"The objective of ISSA, which operates in 42 countries, is to protect the interests of IMO’s members in the Maritime Sector, Customs and the Tax Authority. There has been great success in reaching an agreement with the IMO to solve disputes and problems related to vessels declared bankrupt or distressed."

Al Malik further explained that the UAE is a member of the IMO since 1996, and the joining project was supported by Dubai Ports at that time, pointing out that the UAE National Assembly included 12 members and it has now become 24.