UAE Parliamentary Division calls for international partnership

The Parliamentary Division of the Federal National Council, FNC, called on the international community to address and tackle the root causes that create a fertile ground for the growth of terrorism and extremism, which pose serious threats to international security and stability.

"Serious regional conflicts, deteriorating economic and social conditions, and the absence of political justice are among the key factors that play into the hands of extremist and terrorist groups, to recruit individuals to commit illegal acts," Mattar Al Yabhouni, Member of the Parliamentary Division, told the joint seminar of the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group, GSM, and the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Defence and Security Cooperation, DSCTC, which is being held at the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, NATO PA, between 23rd and 25th November.

"There is a need for an international partnership to disrupt terrorist financing, based on the highest levels of co-operation, co-ordination and inter-agency intelligence sharing," he added.

Al Yabhouni presented a series of proposals on how to fight trans-border terrorism and cyber-terrorism. "A legal framework, which includes bilateral or multilateral security agreements, is needed to fight e-crimes, under the umbrella of INTERPOL," he further added.

He also called for an international counter-terrorism agreement and the creation of an international e-mechanism to monitor the sources of terrorist financing.

The UAE is participating in the NATO PA as an observer but was active in its 62nd edition, which Turkey hosted in 2016.

The event, which was jointly organised with the Italian delegation to the NATO PA, led by Andrea Manciulli, will consider a range of topics, such as the situation in Libya and North Africa, the migration crisis, the situation in Syria and Iraq, the terrorist threat to Europe and the Western Balkans, and countering radicalisation and violent extremism. Its participants will also consider a draft report presented by Manciulli on the threat posed by Daesh and Al Qaeda to Europe.

One hundred members of parliament from 35 countries will attend the seminar, including members of parliaments from NATO member and associate member states, as well as associate Mediterranean countries, Gulf states and countries on the southern rim of the Mediterranean. The seminar will also include talks by academics and security experts who specialise in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Laura Boldrini, President of the Chamber of Deputies, and Paolo Alli, President of NATO PA, have addressed the event.

The GSM provides a forum for parliamentarians from NATO countries and the Middle East and North Africa, MENA, region to discuss political and security issues and enhance their co-operation.