UAE participates in regional workshop on women

The UAE has participated in a regional workshop on developing national action plans to implement policies related to women, security and peace, which was organised by the Women, Family and Childhood Department of the Arab League, in co-operation with the regional office of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN Women, in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

The workshop, which saw the participation of Faisal Al Malik, Charge d'Affaires of the UAE Embassy in Amman, is part of the strategy and executive action plan, titled, "Protecting Arab Women, Security and Peace," which was adopted by the Arab League Council at the Ministerial Level during its 144th Session on 13th September, 2015, with the aim of providing protection for women and girls during armed conflicts and an environment that promotes their effective participation in creating stability and peace.

The workshop is also an implementation of the decisions of the First Ministerial Conference on "Women and Achieving Security and Peace in the Arab Region," held on September 2016, which aimed to establish a regional roadmap to protect Arab women at times of peace and armed conflicts, and is part of the regional executive workplan, "Protecting Arab Women, Security and Peace."

The workshop also aims to provide technical support for all national policies related to women in the Arab region, as well as to place national action plans to implement the Security Council’s resolutions concerning women, security and peace on a national level while specifying the requirements of preparing relevant national plans, the mechanisms of providing social and financial resources, and monitoring and evaluation tools