UAE Armed Forces

UAE Armed Forces announced the martyrdom of an Emirati soldier in Yemen.

In a statement issued today, the Armed Forces expressed its condolences on the martyrdom of Hassan Abdullah Al Beshr, who was participating in Operation Restoring Hope in Yemen.

Al Beshr used to stay in Filaya area but moved close to the Zayed Centre in Ras Al Khaimah.

The Armed Forces prayed to the Almighty for peace and mercy on his soul.

"The entire family is proudly and willingly accepting the martyrdom of my brother," said his brother Hussain Al Beshr.

The 26-year-old martyr did not have a chance to get married.

"He was planning to build a new house and get married after coming back from Yemen, but to Allah we belong, and to Him is our return."

Though Hassan's parents are grieving his sad demise, they are proud of his heroism, and have surrendered to God's will, he told Khaleej Times late on Tuesday.

"They are happy that he sacrificed his soul and blood while performing his national duty, defending right, justice, and legitimacy, and raising the flag of his country up high in the sky across the country and abroad."  

Hussain Al Beshr added that "We are all more than ready to sacrifice our soul and blood for the service of the country. It is really an honour to us all to sacrifice our life for our country."

He said that the martyr's three brothers and two sisters are sad about his death. "But, we are all proud of his martyrdom; a high rank which no one can easily obtain or be eligible to."

The martyr was widely known for his good manners and readiness to assist anyone in need of help, he explained.

"His friends liked him very much, as he used to stand by them at time of crisis, and always invited them to our house in the Al Dheith South area."

The martyr's last words to his elder brother were, "May Almighty Allah protect you my brother." This is how he used to show respect to his brother.  "I miss him so much, and can never forget him, " Hussain said.