WAM observes suffering of Yemeni people and ERC’s rescue operations

The Emirates News Agency, WAM, has witnessed the suffering of the Yemeni people and the relief, services and humanitarian activities of the Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, during its visit to Yemen.

WAM observed the actions of the Houthis militias prior to their consecutive defeats, in the mountains, plains and valleys, by the soldiers of the Arab Coalition. The real tragedy committed by the militias was against the children of Yemen, who paid the price of murder, destruction, displacement and loss, even while the militias were recruiting them to fight in the war.

"Naji," a child from Mocha in Yemen, said, "Since the coup, living conditions have been tough, as the militias were determined to make us hungry and scared." He also pointed out that life totally stopped due to the siege. The militias kidnapped and terrorised children, and sent them to training camps.

"Yehia," a child from Al-Khokha city, talked about the siege on the city where he lives with his family, and noted that after its liberation by the Arab Coalition Forces, the situation had changed, while highlighting that he was waiting for mines to be cleared so he could overcome his fears.

He added, "The ERC has helped us overcome our difficult conditions, through the distribution of aid, the clearing of mines, and the control of the regions where we are living."

After the liberation of the west coast of Yemen, the ERC started distributing food baskets to Yemeni citizens to ensure that food shortages are met, announcing a plan for the maintenance of infrastructure including schools, mosques and hospitals.

During its 11-day tour around several Yemeni cities, WAM witnessed the UAE’s historic overall position among the countries of the Arab Coalition. The UAE has donated some AED9.4 billion in the past two and a half years to all vital sectors, with the aim of restoring normal lives to Yemeni people and enabling them to overcome their challenging conditions.

WAM also met with Brigadier-General Abdul Salam Al-Shehhi, Commander of the Arab Coalition Forces on the west coast of Yemen, who said that Emirati and Sudanese forces, along with the Yemeni Resistance, are winning victories with determination, to liberate Yemen from the Iranian-backed Houthis militias.

Al-Shehhi added that the enemy’s defence is collapsing, while stressing that hundreds of its soldiers have been captured and are being treated according to international law. The coalition’s ongoing momentum and victories on other fronts are confusing the enemy.

He emphasised that residents of the liberated regions are welcoming the Arab Coalition Forces, which reflect their desire to liberate their country from the Iranian-backed Houthis militias. The Yemeni people appreciate the heroic achievements and sacrifices of Emirati heroes in saving Yemen, he added.

WAM also monitored the UAE’s humanitarian, relief and development role in Yemen. Emirati aid provided to the country totaled about AED9.4 billion between April 2015 and November 2017, according to reports from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The UAE has taken great care to support the health sector in various Yemeni governorates, and has launched and restored many hospitals and medical centres, and supplied them with the most advanced equipment, to meet the growing needs of local residents.

The UAE has also rebuilt the liberated regions of Yemen and provided generous financial support to restore their basic infrastructure, including electrical supplies, drinking water, sewage and other services facilities.

WAM also witnessed the launch of a humanitarian campaign by the ERC to ease the suffering of families residing in Yemen’s west coast. The campaign aims to distribute 10,000 food baskets. The total ERC aid provided since 2015 has reach 84,656,000 food baskets, which were distributed around the liberated regions of the west coast. It also plans to build new houses and restore others in Mocha.

Juma Abdullah Al Mazrouei, Head of the ERC Team in Aden, said that the ERC is implementing relief campaigns, which aim to improve the lives of Yemeni people by providing humanitarian, relief and development aid, to help them overcome the tough conditions imposed by the Houthis siege, while the number of food baskets distributed to the governorates of Aden, Abien, Dhalea, Taiz, Shabwa and Lahij reached 500,071.

He added that the ERC is launching many projects in various governorates of Yemen, from Hadramaut in Eastern Yemen to Mocha on the west coast, while noting that the ERC’s efforts include helping to overcome the effects of the Houthis occupation of the west coast, by rebuilding houses, power stations, water networks and hospitals. He also pointed out that the UAE’s assistance has reached the majority of cities and villages in the liberated West Coast.

The UAE has treated over 3,000 injured Yemenis in the UAE, Jordan, Sudan and India, and many have recovered and returned to Yemen, while 88 injured Yemenis left Yemen last month for treatment, with some being treated in Indian hospitals, Al Mazrouei added.