Prime Minister Saad Hariri received today at the "House of Center" the Supreme Islamic Sharia Council.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri received today at the "House of Center" the Supreme Islamic Sharia Council.

After the meeting, Council Vice-President, former minister Omar Meskawi spoke in the name of the delegation, congratulating Prime Minister Hariri on his safe return.

He said: "We came to support your national positions and express our support for your path in maintaining security and stability of the country in this difficult and delicate stage for the Arab region."

He added: "We urgently need coordination and harmony in government work for the benefit of all Lebanese and to overcome the difficulties and crises facing us.
What we heard from you in the past two days reassures us that we are on the right path, which disassociates Lebanon from dangers. We hope that God will help you achieve what we want for our country."

Prime Minister Hariri, in turn, thanked the members of the Council, saying, "This difficult crisis we have undergone made Dar al-Fatwa and your Council a national reference for all Lebanese and confirmed its constants in preserving national unity."

He added: "This crisis revealed the intentions of some to target stability for personal interests. We faced them and will continue to face them to maintain unity and stability".

Hariri warned against "rumors targeting the Sunnis, accusing us of making concessions and disregarding the interests of the Sunnis. All this aims at trying to demolish the Sunni entity represented by Dar al-Fatwa and the presidency of the government, for personal purposes and interests."

Hariri added: "As prime minister, I assure you of my keenness on the rights of the Sunnis as well as other sects in the country. It is my duty to gather people around what is good, especially those who want to preserve the supreme interest, unity and stability of the nation, and we will confront those who want to harm Lebanon for local or external aims.

He added: "The burdens placed on Dar al-Fatwa are huge. Your mission is to rationalize the religious discourse and educate the citizens to prevent the exploitation of some religious platforms for political objectives against the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese. Because we are the people of moderation and tolerance. We are targeted in the region and if we do not act wisely, we will drag the country into chaos. Dar al-Fatwa and you have shown during the crisis that has passed that you are keen on national unity and preventing any division or sedition among the Lebanese."

"The postponement step we have taken at the request of President Michel Aoun is to give an opportunity to discuss our demand to keep Lebanon neutral about the fires and wars in the region, to apply the disassociation policy and commit to the Taif Agreement. We will not accept the Hezbollah stances that affect our Arab brothers or target the security and stability of their countries. The contacts and dialogues are serious to respond to our proposals and we have to build on them," the Prime Minister concluded

Source: NNA