President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, said on Friday that it was high time the state reconsidered the

President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, said on Friday that it was high time the state reconsidered the systems by which the Lebanese judicial institutions abided. He suggested the adoption of a new approach that took into account the flaws, deficiencies, and gaps that infested the core the judicial system, "thus enhancing its independence and impartiality."

The President's words came in speech he gave earlier today during the inauguration of the judicial year at the Palace of Justice.

"The judiciary I am talking about includes all the institutions that adjudicate disputes and issue rulings, and also determine the validity or illegality of legislations in appeal cases," Aoun added.

"Rumors have targeted the judiciary on many different levels, accusing it of corruption and inefficiency. It also accused it of being controlled by political authorities that have abolished its independence and pressured it to deviate from proper performance and forget its right to prosecute people," the President said.

Aoun went on to explain that when rumors were spread repeatedly, they became certain in the minds of people. "This is the worst thing for a society because it leads to the loss of trust between institutions and the people," the President maintained.

"We must not forget that man has a reputation, and that the worst wars that may be fought against a person are those that seek to destroy his/her reputation. Hence, the judge must be aware that he belongs to a society with its own behavior, as well as its customs and traditions, and to refrain from any action that may facilitate smearing his/her reputation."

Aoun also mentioned the possibility to opt for change by making the judiciary an elected authority.

"This will make the judiciary an independent authority with administrative independence, and thus we will effectively separate the authorities with the necessary legislation to create balance between them," Aoun explained, adding that such change might take time and undergo many difficulties.

"We must be aware that any legislation or regulation is of no value and does not include any justice if the values are void of morals, efficient and independent characterization, and conscience," Aoun stressed in his speech.

"If proper judiciary is based on independence, integrity, and efficiency, there will still remain a need to amend many of the procedural laws that are not useful, especially those that prolong the ruling time without need, not to mention the files are stacked on tables and in safes," Aoun added.

Moreover, Aoun mentioned the Lebanese citizens' failure to understand the reason behind the years of delay to issue court verdicts. "Let us all remember that late justice is not fair and that it is high time to jettison this equation

Source: NNA