Abdelilah Benkirane

Caretaker government, Abdelilah Benkirane is lashing out at wealthy Moroccans, claiming that they “have plundered the country’s resources without even providing the lower class with a little bit of their fortune.”

During the Second International Parliamentary Forum for Social Justice, held Monday morning at the House of Advisors, Benkirane asserted that businesspersons and elites should be the first ones to take the initiative in opening a social dialogue that would enable the lower class to take its rightful share of Morocco’s wealth.

“The strong people hoard wealth for themselves and leave the others protesting, while, there is a group of voiceless people from the rural areas who do not find a way to protest for its right part in the fortune,” Benkirane said.

Benkirane continued, saying that all people are calling for reform and for solutions to social issues, but in reality wealthy people do not want to sacrifice their own to provide others with a little bit of their wealth. “It’s time to give back a little bit to the lower class in this society,” he added.

Benkirane went on to cite a verse from famous Tunisian poet, Aboulkassem Chabi’s peom “If, one day, a people desire to live, then fate will answer their call. And their night will then begin to fade, and their chains break and fall,” implying that the will of the citizens ultimately wins out.

Source :Morocco World News