Yemeni army

The Yemeni army and the pro-government National Resistance Forces, backed by the military Arab Coalition, have liberated a number of areas in al-Jawf governorate, northern Yemen, including Dhaba' and Al-Ajasher Camp and recovered arms and ammunition after killing and wounding scores of militant rebels, a military source told Yemen's state news agency.

The army and loyal troops made considerable advances in Khab al-Sha'af, in the north-east of the al-Jawf, after battles with the rebel Houthi militia and troops loyal to now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the source said.

The Arab Coalition forces launched five air strikes against the Houthi-Saleh militants in al-Masloub and al-Ghail districts destroying several military vehicles and killing and wounding tens of rebel militants.

The battles were led by Governor of al-Jawf, Brigadier Amin Al Akimi.

Soure : WAM