Yemeni army

The Yemeni National Army and the Yemeni National Resistance, backed by the Arab Coalition airforce, today liberated large swaths of Jabal an-Nar area, east of Mokha, from the rebel Houthi group and militias loyal to the now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, according to a Yemeni military source, Yemen's official Saba news agency reported.

In other violent battles in Yakhtul, north of Mokha, dozens of rebels were killed and their military equipment was destroyed, the source said.

During the battles, a field commander called Al-Qanes from the Houthi group was killed in Jabal al-Nar.

The Arab Coalition aircraft destroyed missile launchers near Khaled Camp in Mawza district.

The source said the operation will continue in order to force all the rebels out of Jabal an-Nar and areas around Mokha city.