Yemeni Prime Minister inaugurates UAE-funded power station in Lahj, Yemen

A ten-megawatt power station has been inaugurated by Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Daghrin in Lahj Governorate in Yemen as part of the UAE programme to increase power production in Yemen.

The governorate has experienced repeated power outages due to overloads in the grid.

The power facility was funded by the Khalifa bin Zayed Foundation. A team from the Emirates Red Crescent, chaired by its head in Aden, Mohammed Al Ketbi, attended the ceremony.

The Yemeni prime minister commended the significant efforts made by the UAE and its humanitarian organisations to support the electricity sector in Yemen.

''The legitimate Yemeni government values and appreciates the UAE's assistance in this respect,'' he added.

Addressing the audience, Al Ketbi affirmed that the assistance provided by the UAE and its charities, including the ERC and Khalifa Foundation to the Yemeni people and legitimate government, would continue in order to return life to normal in liberated governorates and help reconstruction and development efforts.