actress Laila Toubal

The actress Laila Toubal confirmed that there are things in Tunisia that require discussion, analysis and work to find solutions to it rather than discussing freedoms that are originally acquired, and no one can destroy them.
In her remarks to Arabs Today, Toubal said that poverty, hunger, unemployment and other issues must be taken care of, rather than taking care of the other issues
In the view of Toubal, the former government that created the many people's fear, to distract them from the real problems and to create a big rift between them, which divided the Tunisians between infidels and Muslims, which outlined the dangers that some feared.
Toubal said that freedom will not be a gift, but an acquired right, but this does not prevent that there are threats to be monitored, and there are messages and indicators suggest the birth of a new type of dictatorship.
She stressed that the creator must be a voice and a picture of everything that happens, and to speak and express as a citizen. She believes that there are issues that we can not wait for the completion of a play to discuss.

"There are things that we have to talk about as a creator and a jealous citizen of our country," she said, adding that violence forcing you to talk even away from creativity.
"As long as there are files that have not yet been opened and as long as there is a danger to Tunisia, it is not easy to eradicate corruption throughout the country," she indicated.
Toubal pointed out that she wants a theater for all, dealing with the intelligence of the fans, and love a theater close to the public. On the other hand, she is against every playwright who considers himself to be smarter than the spectator.