Egyptian actor Ahmed Fahmi has said that presenting the Arab Idol TV show was a “fantastic experience.” Speaking to Arab Today the actor said that he enjoyed working with his co-stars Ragheb Alama, Nancy Ajram, and his friend Hassan El Shafei. He credited them with “sharing a desire to present the programme to the best of their ability” adding that the “spirit shown by the team is obvious in the final episodes.” Fahmi emphasised that in order for the presenters to act natural, minimal preparations were made before each show, something Fahmi credits with \"helping the show seem personal, enabling its success.\" All upcoming projects have been cancelled by the actor, who wants to free his schedule for Arab Idol, however he will find some time to record songs for his band Wama to celebrate their 10th anniversary. Fahmi revealed that Wama will record a mini album to be released before the end of the year. Fahmi was recently released from jail, after proving his innocence in relation to embezzlement charges. \"This crisis was a test of my friends and relations, a large number of those whom I thought to be friends turned their back on me,” said the actor. He thanked his wife and his fans for their continued support.