The Egyptian actress Boshra expressed her discontent over criticism on her last movie "Mr & Mrs Owes". She believes that some people who criticised the movie didn’t see it as they mentioned some wrong information about it in their criticisms. Despite criticism she expressed her happiness when some compared the role she played in the movie to the role that Adel Emam played in "Ehtares Mn el-khot", saying that both roles look similar. Boshra declared to Arabstoday saying "I am proud of being compared to Adel Emam, it’s a great honour. I wish that the audiences enjoyed my role in the movie as they enjoyed Adel Emam role." "Mr & Mrs Owes" was displayed in cinemas over Fitr feast. The movie was written by Karim Fahmy, directed by Akram Farid and stars Hamada Helal and the kid Jana for the first time presenting the role of a simple traditional upper Egyptian girl, married to Hamada Helal (Mr Owes) by force. She supports him in running his inherited money after he fails due to his carelessness.