Egyptian actress Ghada Adel has strongly denied rumours that she has divorced her husband, director Magdy al-Hawari, saying \"I won\'t leave him until I\'m dead\". \"Magdi was the first to support me in the early years of my career, he believed in my talent and helped me a lot. Our relationship is much deeper than just marriage and is more solid than iron!\" On her latest work, Ghada said: \"I\'m busy filming my new series \'Serr Alani\' (Uncovered Secret), in which I work with Jordanian star Eyad Nassar for the first time. The series is written by Mohammed Nayer and directed by Ghada Selim. I play a totally different character from the romantic roles I usually do...she is a political economy professor who tries to expose some corrupt deals, and during her pursuit she meets a person whom she loves...I will not reveal more!\" On whether the show addresses the January 25 revolution, Ghada answered: \"Absolutely, the incidents are not linked to certain era, but we are talking about corruption in general, and the fact Egypt is a very rich country, although its people are poor.\" On the real reason behind her rejection of the series \"Khotout Hamraa\" (Red Lines), starring Ahmed al Sakka, Ghada said there was no dispute between the two, and the only reason she rejected the show was because she had already signed \"Serr Alani\", and she couldn\'t film two shows at the same time. About her next movie, she said: \"It is a yet-untitled comedy directed by my husband.\" When asked about her recent appearances in advertisements, Ghada admitted she was only working in them for financial reasons.