unisian singer Latifa Arfaoui has announced her support for Tunisian artists and intellectuals against what she says are "marginalisation campaigns". She said in a statement on Monday that she doesn't accept any restrictions on creative freedom which, according to her, is protected by virtue of the constitution. This statement came a few days after a number of Salafists called for attacks on artists who displayed their controversial work in an art exhibition on July 11 and 12, resulting in a wave of violence due to some of the paintings which purported to display Allah. Latifa said that millions of people who went out in the revolution shouting the poem "If the People One Day Wanted Life" by Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi, are now violating his rights by such "strange demands", "since he [al-Shabi] is an intellectual as well". Latifa added that art should be governed by morals and religion. "If religious sentiments are not respected, it is up to the government to take action," she said. The Tunisian singer concluded by saying "Long Live Tunisia… in glory over time".