Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne says her recent remark about Latinos cleaning toilets was poorly worded.

The 30-year-old British television personality responded to backlash over the comment Tuesday on Facebook. Osbourne made the remark earlier in the day during an attempt to skewer Donald Trump's stance on immigrants on The View.

"If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?" the star asked. When host Rosie Perez pointed out Latinos "are not the only people to do that," Osbourne clarified, "Come on, you know I would never mean it like that."

"I want to start by saying I ALWAYS take responsibility for my actions," she later wrote. "In this particular case I will take responsibility for my poor choice of words but I will not apologize for being a racist as I am NOT."

"I whole-hearted [expletive] up today," she admitted. "I should have known better as I was on The View and it was live. I've learned a very valuable lesson. It is my hope that this situation will open up a conversation about immigration and the Latin community as a whole."
Source: UPI