Lindsay Lohan

Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan is all praise for Turkey’s refugee efforts, and urged more countries to join in helping those fleeing war-torn Syria.
“What they’ve done in Turkey for the Syrian refugees is phenomenal,” Lohan told Becky Anderson from CNN’s Connect the World program shot at the cable-news network’s Abu Dhabi bureau in the United Arab Emirates.
She noted that Turkey is doing so much for the refugees as other countries stand idly by, as many people in the US and Britain only hear about the refugees in the news and think that’s the whole story. For instance, she said that there are orphaned Syrian refugee children living in abandoned buildings in Athens, but nobody really does anything about it.
She urged more countries to join the humanitarian efforts to provide sustainable assistance to the refugees.
Lohan said that she is planning to go back to Turkey for Syrian refugees in January.
The actress told CNN, “Losing half of my finger and getting it back was one of the best things that’s ever happened to me,” adding, “If that didn’t happen to me, if I didn’t lose a part of myself essentially — and I weirdly think about this when I meditate — I wouldn’t have stayed in Turkey. I wouldn’t have stayed there, and I wouldn’t have understood what it feels like to lose a limb.”
Asked if the Middle East has become a new home for her, Lohan said, “The Middle East has been wonderful to me throughout my life,” adding that she found a “spiritual belief” and “a respect for culture” in Turkey.

Source: Arab News